A team of cosmologists compared the theoretical predictions of the maximal abundance of massive galaxies predicted in different dynamical dark energy (DDE) models at high redshifts z ≈ 4 − 7 with the observed abundance and derived constraints for the evolution of the dark energy equation of state parameter which is complementary to the existing probes. The study employed three different, independent probes, namely the luminous end of the stellar mass function at z ≥ 6, the spatial density of luminous galaxies detected in the submillimeter range at z = 4 − 5, and the rareness of the extreme hyperluminous infrared galaxy SPT031158 at z ≈ 7. The analysis excluded a significant fraction of parameter spaces for the DDE models but interestingly does not completely exclude the possibility that dark energy may be dynamical (i.e, changing with time). Deepest visible-light image of the Universe containing nearly 10000 galaxies. Source: Hubble According to our current understanding of...
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